LBFA celebrated our 4th Annual Coulee Hoolie Ceili Dance Fundraiser at the La Crosse American Legion on Saturday, March. 31st. The 2019 event, which raised funds for three hospice organizations: The Bantry Hospice Project – Bantry, Ireland and Gundersen Hospice and Mayo Hospice in La Crosse, was our most successful fundraiser to date. More than 150 guests and volunteers enjoyed music by the Coulee Hooligans and joined popular caller Tim Jenkins for some guided Ceili dancing. The added treat of Shepherds Pie from Dublin Square, Blarney Bars from Quillin’s and a Silent Auction made for a delightful evening of Irish fun all for a good cause.
Hoolie Photos courtesy of Phil Addis

LBFA members celebrated Father’s Day early with a Brat Barn fundraiser at the Village Festival Foods on Saturday, June 15th. Despite a late afternoon thunderstorm that required closing an hour earlier than expected, the venture was a grand success garnering over $600!
As has become an Irishfest Tradition, LBFA once again provided fest goers with a special “Taste of Ireland". Through the generosity of our friends at Bantry Bay Seafoods and Festival Foods, LBFA volunteers offered samples of delicious Bantry Bay mussels at our window in the Bantry Tea Garden and strolled the fest grounds happy to share both mussels and information about our beautiful sister city of Bantry. 2019 marked our biggest success to date. Not only did LBFA earn more money in donations than in years past, we served all 20 cases of mussels by midafternoon on Sunday, several hours before Irishfest was scheduled to close. Kudos to the members of our magnificent mussels’ teams who cheerfully volunteered many hours meeting, greeting and charming everyone they met.
LBFA members joined Mayor Kabat and fellow Sister City Organizations in the Maple Leaf Parade to celebrate the 59th Annual Oktoberfest.

LBFA’s first Bantry Quest “Discover Bantry in La Crosse” contest kicked off August 9th during Irishfest and ended October 4th. Participants visited 6 La Crosse organizations/businesses to learn about their Bantry counterparts. Two winners were selected at a drawing at Dublin Square hosted by Vice President Heather Dutcher and Secretary Britney Heineman.
Winner: Ross, Sponsor Gift Basket
Winner: Terri, 2 passes to Irishfest 2020
LBFA donated $500 to support the 2019 Global Initiatives Week for the greater La Crosse Region and set up a display at the Kick Off event November 8th at North Wood International.
LBFA also sponsored a presentation by Dr. Kenneth Shonk on “The Gaelic Athletic Association in the Age of International Sport: 1884-Present on November 14th.

The LBFA Holiday party was held Sunday, December 8th at the Eagles Club La Crosse. Members started the evening with a merry mix-and-mingle game of People Black Out Bingo followed by a hearty pot-luck-supper, door prizes and Irish Trivia led by member Mary Monks. Each member also received an annual LBFA holiday ornament.
This year marks the 15th Anniversary of our organization and it will be a busy year.
The 5th Annual Coulee Hoolie Ceili is Saturday, March 28. The Coulee Hooligans perform with popular caller Tim Jenkins leading the audience in a variety of group dances. Irish fare will be served and a Silent Auction held. We are raising money for two non-profit organizations: La Crosse WisCorps and Bantry Tidy Towns.
Irishfest 2020 is August 7-9
Plans are in the making for a 15th Anniversary Delegation Trip to Bantry, Ireland October 5-13, 2020. Discover all that our beautiful sister city has to offer and more. For information contact: Lynn West-President, LBFA. lrcrosse@gmail.com